Digitalization Journey for Finance and Accounting Operations

Digitalization Journey for Finance and Accounting Operations


  • ชื่อวิทยากร/หน่วยงาน/บริษัท: QUNIE Thailand
  • ชื่อผู้ติดต่อ: Sahapoom Panprom
  • เบอร์มือถือ: 081 425-9197
  • เบอร์โทรอื่นๆ: -
  • อีเมล:
  • เว็บไซต์:
  • LINE Id: -

รายละเอียด คอร์สอบรม

QUNIE Webinar “Digitalization Journey for Finance & Accounting Operations” on January 20th, 2022.

“Digitalization” has always been one of the main topics that competitive companies paid attention to with the intention to increase efficiency, reduce time and complexity in their operations. However, the outbreak of COVID-19 has emphasized its importance and accelerated the digitalization journey across departments, especially for Finance & Accounting. The changes of circumstances including working remotely while maintaining good governance in the increasingly regulated environment became the challenges in Finance & Accounting departments for many companies.

Without the good understanding of digitalization transformation and appropriate management direction, utilizing new technology in Finance & Accounting process can be difficult and lead to even more complex operations and problems. It takes not only the efforts to introduce new technology to the organization, but also requires market expertise and guidance for a proper system and vendor selection that bring successful digitalization.

QUNIE in Thailand, with a lot of business process improvement project experiences, will discuss the practical approaches to digitalization for Finance & Accounting operations including the relevant tools and technology. You will be learned about the success and obstacles of the transforming journey from the real case studies in Thailand.

Title : “Digitalization Journey for Finance & Accounting Operations”

Audience : Thai executive and management in Thailand

• Thai CEO and CFO

• Thai Managers in Finance and Accounting and IT

Date & Time : January 20th, 2022 (Thursday) 9.30 – 11:30 (Thai standard time)

Fee : Free of charge

Venue : Online Webinar in Microsoft Team

                  The URL will be sent to the registered email one day before the date.

Capacity : 50 persons (registration on first come, first served basis)

Agenda : 1. The digitalization trend at global and Thai corporates

               2. Digitalization journey in F&A operations

               3. Digitalization solutions and case studies

• Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

• Electronic Workflow

• E-tax invoice and e-receipt

• E-withholding tax

                    *1 This seminar will be conducted in Thai language.

                    *2 The agenda is subject to change without any prior notice.

Speakers : - K.Chamnan Posuwan, Senior Manager, QUNIE in Thailand

                  - Representatives of the following partners

                    - New Computer Technology Consulting

                    - Innoviz Solutions

                    - ISS Consulting

Seminar Information :

Registration :

Inquiry : 1) In English

                Mr. Itsuo Watanabe

       E-mail:   Phone: +66 64 935 4391

              2) In Thai

                K. Sahapoom Panprom

                E-mail:   Phone: +66 814 25 9197

About QUNIE Corporation :

About New Computer Technology Consulting :

About Innoviz Solutions :

About ISS Consulting :

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รอบ วันที่ เวลา สถานที่
1 พฤหัสบดีที่ 20 ม.ค. 2022 09:30 - 11:30 น. MS Teams (The link will be provided once registered)



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